15 trailblazing projects transforming the city
Thanks to Stronger Hereford’s successful bid to the Government’s Towns Fund for £22.4million, we will be opening up fantastic new opportunities for all ages across culture, sport, skills, growing, greener travel and the riverside.
Shaping the Hereford you want
Our fifteen trailblazing projects are the result of a mass conversation about what Hereford is and what we want it to be. We gathered ideas, opinions and proposals from residents, communities and businesses through public surveys, open forums, hundreds of 1:1 sessions and this website.
A better place to live, learn, work & visit
This valuable insight established the city’s priorities and aspirations. It shaped a picture of a modern Hereford, which also aligned with the Government’s levelling-up agenda.
The funding will deliver a programme of work that will help Hereford become a thriving city that is green, fair, connected, digital and cultural.
Right now, the projects are making huge progress behind the scenes and will be launched over the next two years.
What is the Towns Fund?
Learn more
Watch our video for a taster of our vision

Our projects
Read about the trailblazing projects set to transform our city.
About us
We’re a blend of parents, students, educators, business owners, employers, employees, creatives and politicians
Board minutes
The Stronger Hereford Towns Fund Board meets frequently. We publish our minutes online for you to download and read.